sreda, 29. februar 2012

Sreča po zimsko :)

Par dni smuke in uživanja na Kaninu... Bilo je čudovito in zares sončkasto... čisto po najino :) tule pa še nekaj fotk te idile.
Lp, Tina

A few days of skiing and relaxing at Kanin... It was truly wonderful and sunny... completely our way :) here are a few photos of this idyll.
cheers, Tina

ponedeljek, 20. februar 2012

nedelja, 12. februar 2012


Zasneženi in zameteni, skoraj do kolen :) lepo je...

Snowy and snowdrifty, almost to knee :) it's beutiful...

nedelja, 5. februar 2012


Le kaj bi brez tele majhne zverinice, ki me zmeraj nasmeji?! Kepa puha, ki se preteguje sredi preproge in ki mi zmeraj zna polepšat dan... pa še stiska se rad tale Miša:):) popoln zec, kaj naj rečem :)
lp, Tina

What would i do without this little "beast", who makes me laugh time and time again?!A little fluffy clod, streatching in the middle of the carpet, who always makes my day... and on top of that, Miša also likes to cuddle :):) a perfect bunny :)