sreda, 28. marec 2012

Na hitro/In a hurry

Nekaj takih, na hitro, za "gušt" :) čeprov v gužvi, fotič še zmer potuje naokol z mano... sicer res da zadnje čase bol v naravo, kar mi trenutno najbolj sede, ampak kmalu najbrž tudi na kakšna druga potepanja :) do takrat pa par takih veselih, barvitih, pomladnih... ki življenje vselej znova delajo izjemno!

A few pics in a hurry, just for plesure :) at the moment i'm quite busy, but my camera is always with me... in past few post i was travelling mostly in nature, which is what i cherish the most at the time being, but hopefully soon there will be some new roads to conquer, some different paths to explore... but till then here you have some happy, colourful and springy photos... which makes life exceptional over and over again!

četrtek, 22. marec 2012


Danes se počutim pomladno... in po nekih prebranih besedah preobraženo... tole rožco pa seveda nism mogla spregledat - če pa je "moje" barve :):)

Today i'm feeling "springy"... and after few words i have read transformed... this flower i saw ofcourse couldn't go unnoticed - after all it is "my" colour :):)

nedelja, 18. marec 2012

Kaj vidiš, ko pogledaš svet?/What do you see, when you look at the world?

Realnost, ki je vselej drugačna... Svet, ki je drugačen zame in drugačen zate... pa vendar en sam!!! vedno povsem drug! Perspektiva je ključna pri opazovanju sveta!

The reality is always different... World, which is different for me and different for you... and yet, it is only one world!!! always completelly different.. The perspective is crucial, when looking out into the world!

ponedeljek, 5. marec 2012

Pisani svet/Coloured world

Ker je bilo letos vsaj nekaj zimskih zasneženih dni in ker sem nekaj od teh tudi presmučala, se brez težav navajam na sončne žarke in barvne kontraste :) v bistvu sem človek močnih in kontrastnih barv. Sicer se v naravi meni najljubša zelena barva šele počasi razkriva, pa sem vseeno našla nekaj pisanosti in znamenj novega življenja... Mslim, da se počasi že začenja pomladna vedrina...

 brez zvončkov ne gre :)

Thanks to few wintry and snowy days this winter, i have no problem to accustom to sunshine and contrast colors :) in fact i love strong and contrast colors. Green, which is my favourite color, is not yet to be seen in it's full intensity, however i manage to find some colorful scenes and some signes of new life... i think that now spring serenity is not that far away...