I love colors... and it's easier to live, when you don't see things only in black and white...
ponedeljek, 30. april 2012
I love colors... and it's easier to live, when you don't see things only in black and white...
četrtek, 19. april 2012
I promise i'll be good
Moj mali pridni lump :) mali lumpek, z ogromnim srcem :) in fantastično energijo!
My little bunny :) with a biiiiig hearth :) and great energie!
torek, 17. april 2012
world is green
Najtežje je živeti v "zdaj"... Nemirno stati v Trenutku... ki te že v naslednjem hipu lahko izvrže... A dosegati to, biti zares tu, pomeni ne občutiti minevanja in časovnosti... biti izvzet iz zakonov fizike in ireverzibilnega toka... kako osvobajajoči prebliski!!
The hardest thing is living in "now"... being restless in the Moment... which ejects you out in no time... But to achieve this, to really be here, means to avoid all the passing by and time... to be exception from law of physics and irreversible flow... what a liberating thought...
The hardest thing is living in "now"... being restless in the Moment... which ejects you out in no time... But to achieve this, to really be here, means to avoid all the passing by and time... to be exception from law of physics and irreversible flow... what a liberating thought...
petek, 13. april 2012
Čudovit buši, poln upanja, neizrečenih obljub, miru, ljubezni in topline... Tisto, kar privede na plano najboljše v nas! Vedenje, da gre pravzaprav za čudež... Novo srce, nov dih, nova duša... Majhen buši, ki prinaša tako velike stvari! In v čigar slikanju sem preprosto uživala... Gre za fotografiranje nekoga, čigar obraz je še zakrit... in za ustvarjanje enega prvih trajnih spominov neke povsem nove življenjske poti!
A beautiful belly, full of hope, unspoken promises, peace, love and warmth... Something, that brings upa the best in us!!! Knowing that's a miracle... New hearth, new breath, new soul... Small belly and such big thinghs it brings! I loved to photograph it! It means shooting somebody whose face is still hidden... It's like creating one of the first memories ona a whole new path of life!
četrtek, 5. april 2012
The look
Našla sem tale pogled - pogled izpred treh let... oči, ki me še zmeraj spremljajo... in ponesejo tja na drugi konec sveta, kjer ostaja del mene...
I found this look - look from three years ago... the eyes which still follows me... and take me on the other side of the world, where a part of me still stays...
I found this look - look from three years ago... the eyes which still follows me... and take me on the other side of the world, where a part of me still stays...
nedelja, 1. april 2012
prvoaprilska/1st of April...
...pa zato nič manj resnična kot ostale objave :) jutro se je prebudilo v različne stopnje. Med katerimi se zdi, da obstajajo neukinljive razlike. Biti na drugih levelih, celo kot na drugih planetih... ko vidiš, da se znova potrjuje, da se stvari v življenju vedno odvijejo, kakor se morajo... Meje-distanca... zavest-nezavedno...
...yet, no less true, than the other posts :) morning woke up in different levels. It seems, that between them there are some unerasable differences. To be on different levels, even on different planets... when you see that it's becoming clear once again - the things in life goes their own path, like they should... borders-distance... consciousness-unconsciousness...
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