Sneg seveda :) Jaz sm se ga letos razveselila kot majhen otrok, ko zapade prvi sneg :) Že včeraj zvečer sem odskakljala delat stopnije na tistih borih par milimetrov snežink, zjutraj pa sem odhitela z mojo škoclj aparatom ven, da ga ne pobere, preden ga dokumentiramo, da je sploh res bil... Za vse, ki so že bili pomladni, je najbrž tale nepričakovan gost malo zamaknil zadeve, meni pa nepopisno polepšal dan :) pa čeprav ga je dejansko napadalo le nekaj milimetrov... Narava je zares čudovita!!
lp, Tina
pa še pasja sled :)
Long expecetd snow has finally come :) This year it made me as happy as i was back then, when i was still a litlle child :) Yesterday evening i have already joyfully went out to do footprints in those few milimeters of snow, that have fallen, but in the morning i have rushed outside with my camera, so the snow wouldn't disappeared before i would documented it... For all those, who have already been "springy", this snow has made a litlle dejay for that, but for me, it really made my day :) even though it has really been just a few milimeters of it... Still, it shows how beautiful is our nature!!
Cheers, Tina