torek, 10. januar 2012


Najbrž se zgodi tudi vam... sanjarjenje z odprtimi očmi... čeprav, jaz temu raj rečem izražanje v prihodnost postavljenih ciljev. Kaj oblikuje te preference, ki jim pravimo sanje/želje/nenazadnje (ne)izvedljivi cilji...? Mogoče zadanemo blizu, če predvidevamo, da gre za vpitje podzavesti, ki ponoči v sanjah ni povsem prišla na svoj račun... in tako se oblikujejo neracionalne silnice, ki nas vlečejo v neko določeno smer... pa jih razumsko ne znamo razložiti! Ne glede na to, ali so to kriki podzavesti ali zgolj vtisi, ki so v nas nastali z neozavedeno sugestijo, takšne iracionalne težnje poganjajo naše zavestno obnašanje... Pa naj bodo to želje po določeni stvari ali po določenem občutku, stanju... Skratka, iracionalno ali pač ne, dnevno sanjarjenje s tem zame ne postane nič manj intenzivno :) Je pa pogosto neopisljivo... ko iščeš nekaj, za kar še nisi iznašel besede... in to v tem trenutku najlažje strnem v preprost niz besed - Indija koromandija... :)
lp do naslednjič, Tina

It probably happens to all of us... dreaming with our eyes wide open... though, i call this rather expressing future aims. What defines this preferences, which we call dreams/wishes/or even (un)achievable goals...? Maybe we are close to the right answer, if we assume, that daydreaming  is actually an outcry of our subconscious - it is compensation of the same subconscious that didn't shout out enough in the dreams during our slepp... this is probably the way of shaping all the irrational forces that pulls us in some specific direction... yet, we do not know how to explain them rationally! Nevermind if this daydreamings are really the shouts of subconscious or maybe they are just impressions in us, which are the result of (un)conscious suggestion - if we draw the line - exactly this irrational forces run all of our conscious behaviour... This irrational forces can be either wishes about certain things or certaing fillings, conditions... In short, irrational or not, for me daydreming doesn't become any less intensive :) All though it is often indescribable... it's like you're looking for something, that we don't have the proper word for... for me the easiest way to say "it" at the moment is - India "koromandija"... (no translation for it either) :)
cheers till next time, Tina

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