četrtek, 3. oktober 2013

Bangkok, Thailand

Iz Filipinov sva skozi močne turbulence odletela proti Bangkoku, kjer sva preživela še tri nepozabne dni v vibrirajočem mestu. Obiskala nekaj budističnih templjev (Wat Pho, Wat Arun), se vozila po reki, ki teče skozi Bangkok in v katero si zares ne želiš pasti, obiskala fascinanten China town in nasploh uživala v kulinariki in zabavi, ki jo ponuja Bangkok. Obisk pa ne bi bil popoln brez nekaj shopinga in masaž. Po večkratnem obisku Bangkoka lahko rečem, da je to eno meni najljubših mest, polno hektične in očarljive energije... tako, da se je bilo za nekaj časa spet lažje posloviti od meni tako ljube Azije...

From Philippines we went to Bangkok (the flight was not a fun at all - there was quite strong turbulence). We spend there 3 days - Bangkok is great, ful of life and energy. We visited some budist temples (Wat Arun, Wat Pho), drove on the river, which devides Bangkok (i recommend not falling in this water) and we spend an afternoon in China town (really fascinated by the buzz of it). We also enjoyed the food and all the entertaiment Bangkok has to offer. Our visit wouldn't be complete without some shopping and massage :) After visiting Bangkok for a couple of times so far, it became one of my favourite cities, full of hectic, but charming energy... It was the best way to take my goodbyes from my dear Asia...

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