nedelja, 1. april 2012

prvoaprilska/1st of April... zato nič manj resnična kot ostale objave :) jutro se je prebudilo v različne stopnje. Med katerimi se zdi, da obstajajo neukinljive razlike. Biti na drugih levelih, celo kot na drugih planetih... ko vidiš, da se znova potrjuje, da se stvari v življenju vedno odvijejo, kakor se morajo... Meje-distanca... zavest-nezavedno...

...yet, no less true, than the other posts :) morning woke up in different levels. It seems, that between them there are some unerasable differences. To be on different levels, even on different planets... when you see that it's becoming clear once again - the things in life goes their own path, like they should... borders-distance... consciousness-unconsciousness...

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