sreda, 25. september 2013

Banaue, North Luzon, Philippines

Pot do severa je bila precej nenavadna. Zaradi redkih busov, ki povezujejo Manilo s severom (na noč naj bi jih iz nekajmiljonske Manile šlo proti vasi Banaue le kakih 5) in ker si predhodno nisva uredila rezervacije sedežev (tipično), sva na koncu 9-urno nočno vožnjo preživela na plastičnih majhnih stolih, postavljenih po sredini avtobusa. Malo naju je premetavalo, a sva se vseeno uspela nekoliko naspati. Jutro in pogledi na riževe terase so poplačali neudobno vožnjo... Banaue so čudovita majhna vas, od koder lahko trekate po bližnjih in težje dostopnih vaseh ter umirate od lepote riževih polj :) Svež gorski zrak, zelene terase, domačini, ki živijo v nekem drugem času in običaji, ki jih drugod več ne poznajo - skratka, res vredno obiska.

Road to the nortern part of Luzon was quite an experience. There are only few buses linking Manila and the north (i guess around 5 per night). Because we didn't arrange our seat tickets in advance, we ended up sitting on a plastic little chairs in the middle of the bus - for 9 hours, through whole night. It's needless to say that this wasn't the most comfortable sleep ever, but it was like taking short naps throughout the night. When we reached Banaue in the morning, the journey was absolutly worth it. Banaue is small village, sorounded with rice fields. It is a great beginning point for trekkings around to little and undeveloped villages. Some views of rice fields are beautiful enough to die for :)The air is fresh, the nature is green, locals are living at their own pace and there they still have some interesting rituals, which are forgotten in other parts of Philippines. North is really special place, definitely worth visiting. 

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