ponedeljek, 16. september 2013

Malapascua, Philippines

Malapascua je majhen otok severno od otoka Cebu, do koder sva se prebila najprej z avtobusom, potem pa še krajši del poti z bangko. Na Malapascuo se ne odpravi masa ljudi, saj gre predvsem za potapljaški raj, zato so ljudje tam z enim namenom - potapljanje. Mi2 sva se tja odpravila ležati v viseči mreži in opazovati valove, ki odnašajo kopno. Malapascua je tako majhen otok, da sva celega obhodila, na njem ni cest, je pa razpršenih mnogo lokalnih skupnosti, ki vse brez izjeme obožujejo petelinje boje (poleg košarke je to drugi najpomembnejši "šport"). Malapascua je zares majhen raj, sredi ničesar...

Malapascua is a little island north of Cebu. We travelled there first with bus and then continued our travel with a small bangka. Malapascua is one of those places, which are not on a turist radar. Primarally, it is a diving spot. But we came there mostly for lying in the hanging nets and for watching how the sea waves carry away the land. Malapascua is so small, we could go around it by foot - well, actually there are no concrete roads on the island, but there are a lot of local communities, which have one thing in common - they all love cock fights (that's second most important "sport" in Philippines, right after basketball). Malapascua is a litlle paradise in the middle of nothing...

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